This year, we have seen an unprecedented wave of new state and local laws in the South that are intended to effectively outlaw abortion, usually by banning abortion very early in pregnancy, before most people know they are pregnant. These unconstitutional early abortion bans are intended as a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. 

In this moment of crisis, the time is now for Dallas to take the next steps in strong support of abortion access in our city, county, and region. 

The Repro Power Agenda for Dallas includes two main recommendations:

Passage of a “Rosie’s Resolution,” named in memory of Rosie Jimenez, the first known woman to have died because the Hyde Amendment denied her insurance coverage for safe abortion. Rosie’s Resolution affirms abortion as a critical form of reproductive health care and uplifts the importance of comprehensive coverage of abortion care. This resolution will proclaim: 

  • Dallas recognizes the importance of access to affordable abortion care for all who seek it.
  • Dallas calls on a repeal of bans on insurance coverage for abortion. 
  • Dallas recognizes the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
  • Dallas supports the work of health care providers facing threats for providing abortion care. 

Dallas will allocate funding to support people accessing abortion care in Dallas. Although direct funding for abortion care is prohibited in Texas, patients seeking abortions must overcome tremendous logistical and financial barriers to accessing care. Funding to Dallas-based direct services organization will be directed to the following: 

  • Logistical support 
    • Transportation to and from abortion clinics 
    • Hotel accommodations for overnight stays necessary for abortion procedures 
    • Childcare support or reimbursements 
  • Accommodations for lost wages 
    • Direct financial assistance to patients who forgo wages (or who are denied paid sick days) to obtain abortion care 
  • Post-abortion support 
    • Overhead and administrative costs for organizations whose staff provide post-abortion doula, counseling, and/or emotional support services

Both recommendations are based upon actions that the City of Austin has already taken. Click here for the language of Austin’s Rosie’s Resolution, and here for information regarding their passage of a budget amendment for practical support funding for abortion.
